Walking Around Jember City❗ a regency of East Java province, Indonesia

Описание к видео Walking Around Jember City❗ a regency of East Java province, Indonesia

Jember Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/cZZQSjxZU32Eo...

Jember Regency is a regency of East Java province, Indonesia. The land area is 3,306.69 km2, and the population was 2,332,726 at the 2010 census and 2,536,729 at the 2020 Census; the official estimate as at mid 2022 was 2,584,233 (comprising 1,290,488 males and 1,293,745 females). Its administrative capital is the urban area of Jember, which with 360,568 inhabitants in mid 2022 is the third largest urban area in East Java province (after Surabaya and Malang) but does not have municipality or city status as it is split between three separate administrative districts (kecamatan). Jember is famous for its tobacco farms and traditional food called tape which is made of fermented cassava.

Jember Regency has a total area of 3,306.69 km2. It shares its borders with the regencies of Lumajang (to the west), Probolinggo, Bondowoso and Situbondo (to the north), and Banyuwangi (to the east). To the south lies the Indian Ocean, where the regency includes the island of Nusa Barong, located to the south of Java.

Administrative districts
Jember Regency consists of thirty-one districts (Indonesian: kecamatan), listed below with their areas and their populations at the 2010 Census and the 2020 Census, together with the official estimates as at mid 2022. All districts have the same name as the towns or villages which provide their administrative centres. The table also includes the locations of nthe district administrative centres, the number of villages in each district (totaling 226 rural desa and 22 urban kelurahan - the latter comprising the 3 districts forming the Jember urban area), and its post code(s).


Kenapa di sebut Jember?
Hal ini dikarenakan munculnya berbagai cerita yang melegenda dan tersebar luas dalam masyarakat. Pertama, nama Jember berasal dari kata Jembrek yang memiliki arti becek atau berair. Hal ini didasarkan pada beberapa wilayah yang berasal dari rawa-rawa yang becek dan berair.9 Feb 2023

Kenapa namanya Jember?
Dalam Kajian Toponimi Kabupaten Jember tahun 2015, nama Jember berasal dari gabungan kata Jembhar bahasa Madura dan Jembar bahasa Jawa. Kedua kata tersebut memiliki arti yang sama, yakni sebuah tempat yang luas.29 Sep 2022

Apa saja makanan khas Jember?
Pilihan Kuliner Khas Jember Favorit
Nasi Langi. Sumber gambar: Okezone. ...
Pecel Gudeg. Sumber gambar: Detik. ...
Pecel Pincuk Garahan. Sumber gambar: Detik. ...
4. Wedang Cor. Setelah pilihan makanan, berikutnya Toppers bisa mencicipi minuman khas Jember Wedang Cor. ...
Lontong Kupang. ...
6. Prol Tape. ...
7. Jenang Waluh. ...
Pia Tape.

Apa baju adat Jember?
Jember Sari lahir karena proses perpaduan dari budaya Jawa dan Madura atau biasa disebut pandalungan. Selain memadukan dua budaya, yaitu Jawa dan Madura, busana Jember Sari juga menampilkan komoditi khas Kabupaten Jember yaitu tembakau dan Jagung.

Apa saja kearifan lokal di Jember?
Beragam seni budaya dan kearifan di wilayah jember yang meliputi seni pertunjukan jaranan, can macanan kadud, dan musik patrol; seni visual dan kerajinan seperti batik Sumber Jambe di desa Sumber Jambe yang memiliki ciri motif tembakau, kerajinan sangkar perkutut di desa Dawuhan Mangli Sukowono; serta kearifan lokal ...

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