
Описание к видео 【機會,係留畀有準備嘅人】

喺警隊晉升嘅前景係好廣闊嘅,好似Sammy Sir 咁,憑藉自己努力同埋拚勁,成功由警員晉升到督察。快啲把握機會,唔好錯過今個星期六嘅警察招募日!下一個晉升嘅好可能係你!


Being a constable then to an inspector, Sammy shares with us his success story and achievements after fulfilling his dream of becoming a police officer. Here's the chance for you... Join the Police Recruitment Day on 7 July - apply online now!

Police Recruitment Day: https://www.police.gov.hk/ppp_en/15_r...


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