How Should I Choose a Gynecomastia Surgeon? | Gynecomastia Surgery Raleigh

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How Should I Choose a Gynecomastia Surgeon? | Gynecomastia Surgery Raleigh

How should you choose a gynecomastia surgeon? Dr. Law is experienced and truly passionate about treating gynecomastia. This is one of the most fulfilling and important parts of Dr. Law's practice, creating a positive change in patients' lives.

How should you choose a gynecomastia surgeon well obviously you want to find a surgeon who's very experienced in gynecomastia surgery and that should be obvious on a surgeon's website both in their description of their approach to and philosophy about the treatment of gynecomastia and from the before and after photos displayed on the website you also want to find a surgeon who is truly passionate about treating gynecomastia if you needed a heart valve replacement you wouldn't seek out a surgeon who did one or two heart valve surgeries a month and certainly not a year you'd want to find a surgeon who does heart valve surgery week in week out every month of every year likewise with gynecomastia surgery it's not a life-threatening problem but it is a very significant aesthetic issue and you want to entrust your care to somebody who's proficient in all surgical techniques gynecomastia treatment is one of the most fulfilling and important parts of my practice it creates a positive change in patients lives both in their outward social lives and in their inward intimate lives also gynecomastia surgery is the one surgery that i do for adolescent patients young boys with breast development can be treated harshly and cruelly in the locker room and elsewhere and it makes such a huge impact on the life of that child and the family as a whole to have it corrected you

Visit for more information about male breast reduction surgery

Michael Law MD Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
10941 Raven Ridge Rd #101,
Raleigh, NC 27614,

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