The Last Arizona Grizzly

Описание к видео The Last Arizona Grizzly

Most of the narration of this video comes the blog of Emily Jane Willingham. She gave me permission to use her writings in the making of this video. Here is a link to her blog:

The last grizzly bear to walk free in Arizona was killed in the early 1930's on Escudilla Mountain in the eastern part of the state. Author Aldo Leopold was stationed at Escudilla during that time working for the forest service. He described it as such ""THE GOVERNMENT TRAPPER WHO TOOK THE GRIZZLY KNEW HE HAD MADE ESCUDILLA SAFE FOR COWS. HE DID NOT KNOW HE HAD TOPPLED THE SPIRE OFF AN EDIFICE A-BUILDING SINCE THE MORNING STARS SANG TOGETHER... ESCUDILLA STILL HANGS ON THE HORIZON, BUT WHEN YOU SEE IT YOU NO LONGER THINK OF BEARS. IT'S ONLY A MOUNTAIN NOW." While there haven't been grizzly bears in Arizona for almost 100 years now, there are some environmental groups working to get the grizzly reintroduced to places like the Mogollon Rim and the White Mountains, where ample habitat exists for the apex predators to survive.

Opening Song: Estun-Bah


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