While Larcade preparing his finishing Magic, an angry Sting enters Dragon Force and, thanks to Rogue's help, actives White Shadow Dragon Mode in tandem with the Dragon Slayer's ultimate power. With Rogue cheering him on, the empowered Sting steals Natsu's catchphrase just as Larcade threatens to show Sting his final Magic: R.I.P.Yet again, Larcade belittles Sting for his insignificance; the Dragon Slayer announces his goal, having idealized Natsu for as long as he can remember. He then offers Larcade a taste of Sabertooth's combined power and, charging at him with two elements in hand, successfully pushes the Spriggan back.
As the Larcade gets back on his feet, he tries to cast his Magic, but it is burned away due to its elemental affinity. A shocked Larcade then receives a strike to his chin, with Sting rushing at him with a shadowy strike, and then a combination of the two elements. In spite of this, Larcade remains arrogant, believing that no human can fight against the final desire in his arsenal. He then manages to cast R.I.P., causing Sting to immediately feel the need to sleep. Hearing Larcade describe his Magic as one that inflicts permanent sleep, Sting attempts to fight against this by striking his own injuries, hoping that pain can stop the effects of R.I.P. This is to no avail, however, as Larcade once more exclaims that no one can defy their desires, not even Acnologia, calling himself the ultimate Mage, and the only one that can best the Dragon King.
Sting turns his attention to Rogue, who, on the ground, is overcome by the same drowsiness. The Shadow Dragon Slayer gives him advice: to his shadow, as merging with them allows the user to strengthen their senses and thus escape the drowsiness for a moment. Unsure of how to make use of his new power, Sting questions how he should do this; Rogue tells him to "feel" gravity so that he will start to sink. Despite this advice, Sting is unable to perform the feat, but Kagura offers him help in the form of Gravity Change, which forces Sting to sink into his shadow. Finally, Sting finds himself within the world of shadows, confirming the truth in Rogue's words, as his senses become ever sharper. In shadow form, Sting fires himself towards Larcade. Though the latter states that he can see him coming and prepares to strike back, Sting appears from within the shadows and pierces his target with his and Rogue's combination spell; White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk fatally strikes Larcade, who falls to the ground. As his friends smile upon seeing his victory, Sting states that the only one to sleep will be Larcade himself. Larcade, meanwhile, calls out for his father in abject disbelief.
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