Sri Ranjit Maharaj: WHICH PRACTICE TO FOLLOW? [Brittany.1996]

Описание к видео Sri Ranjit Maharaj: WHICH PRACTICE TO FOLLOW? [Brittany.1996]

Get the book from Sri Ranjit Maharaj: Illusion vs. Reality:


To follow a practice you have to follow someone who is realized.
The methods are always frustrating. They don't give any satisfaction.
Reality has no method.
Illusion has got many methods.
Many problems and many concepts.
To overcome the illusion, or concepts or whatever it may be one should think from where all these thoughts are
coming up.
Because thinking is always for other things.
To know the thoughtless reality no thoughts should turn there.
Where all the thoughts and concepts, where all illusion ends,
that is thoughtless Reality.
Anything you would think about does
always never exist.
Because everything is only "He".
Except "HIM", there is nothing in the world.
Whatever the thoughts or concepts
you're thinking about or anything over it.
It produces something else than what "He" is.
When thinking ends, what happens? You go in Zero.
All your thinking, all these problems in the world. Whatever it may be...still...everything means that when
mind sleeps you forget everything.
Up to the mind thinking comes.
Eyes stop seeing when space comes.
Otherwise, there's no color at all there.
Sky colour, what you say, doesn`t exist ...
Only at the end of vision, there is the color.
What you see and perceive is inside you and not on the outside.
You are not the body, take it for granted.
The power grows from here. She had a good word. It blows from here and it comes back.
And everything is still in it.
That is Just like a picture which is taken. The rays go from here to the person.
It comes back and the picture comes up here. Otherwise not.
When there is nothing, then what will come?
As long as an object is there, something comes in.
When thoughts and attachment are rising up, everything is apears.
You can see the the space, you can observe the space, you can feel the space.
But you cannot feel "THAT", It is so subtle.It is beyond space.
Space is ZERO.
No silence is there. No voice is there. No peace is there. No speak is there.
All these are conditional things.
You are always thinking. But when you sleep, you fell happiness.
But ZERO is not happiness. Take it for granted.
So silence is also not "HE". Peace is not HE.
In this world, actions and reactions are opposite and equal.
"He" has got nothing.
If anything would have been there, It wouldnt be "HE", the REALITY.

Sri Ranjit Maharaj (4 January 1913 – 15 November 2000) was an Indian spiritual teacher in the Navnath Inchegeri Sampradaya tradition, and disciple of Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Ranjit Maharaj was born on 4 January 1913. In 1924 he met Siddharameshwar Maharaj. The following year he was initiated by Siddharameshwar Maharaj. In 1934, at the age of 21 he took initiation to monkhood. Only in 1983, at the age of 70, initiated his first disciple, Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj's granddaughter in law. Hereafter he started to attract an international following. In 1996 he was invited to visit Germany, France and USA. In the following years he visited these countries several times, and also the UK, Switzerland and Spain also, until 2000, when he died.
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