Get more distance and accuracy with this unique and simple drill - The Swinging Legs Exercise

Описание к видео Get more distance and accuracy with this unique and simple drill - The Swinging Legs Exercise

Sounds too good to be true, right? Maybe it´s just a caption I came up with to attract more views... Think what you like, but this drill really is the ¨dog´s bollocks¨ folks! It´s called the ´Swinging Legs Exercise´ and it is straight out of Brian´s book. To get greater distance and accuracy with your swing, you need to get out of your straight jacket way of thinking and away from your positional approach to golf. If you want something fundamental to happen to your swing, then you need to learn to dance and move like this. You need never, ever, be concerned with instructional golf videos again. Learn to master this and you will have the 6 basics in place. From there, it´s just pure physics doing it´s thing.

If you want to learn to move more and become a great dancer, then click here for more information on upcoming workshops in 2020 in Mallorca, as well as online coaching:


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