Electrifying Canada: Perspectives on Renewable Energy Expansion Across the Country

Описание к видео Electrifying Canada: Perspectives on Renewable Energy Expansion Across the Country


Shari Muscat, Service Director, Eastern Canada Ecological Services

Delanie Player, Service Director, Western Canada Ecological Services

Meghan Hellman, Senior Ecologist, Power Sector Lead (Canada)

Brian Fuchs, VP Operations, Environmental Sciences & Planning (Canada)
Across the country, Canadian provinces are implementing various strategies to encourage projects and investments that will bring more renewable energy onto the grid. Our panel has experience supporting the development and construction of some of Canada’s largest renewable energy projects and will discuss the key considerations necessary to bring these projects to fruition.

In this webinar, they will examine existing and proposed renewable energy procurement programs in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario and describe factors such as resource potential, development timelines, and material constraints – touching on the similarities and differences to be aware of when planning a renewable project in each of these different regions.


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