Space, Falling //

Описание к видео Space, Falling //

Space, Falling is a collaborative and improvisatory performance by Lily Selthofner and Gladstone Deluxe. The work is centered around the transposition of pattern and rhythm from the sonic onto the spatial and sensory, and the exploration of extra-logical geometries.

Synth / Technical Stuff - The piece was performed in 4 channels, and mixed down to stereo for the recording (credit: Alana Devito for the mix). As far as sequencing, I was exploring some polyrhythmic and polymetric flavors, (sometimes at the same time heheheheh ) using pamela's new workout and the malekko voltage block, with disting doing some automated precision adding. Rings and dixie were sequenced while I had two other percussion sounds from the DPO that I was finger-drumming. the sequenced sounds ran through mimeophon (which was also beautifully self-oscillating through a lot of this performance), and the finger-drummed sounds were going through reverb and delay in ableton, which i was kind of messing around with throughout the performance.

Special thanks to Zosha Di Castri and the Barnard Movement Lab


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