Vaesen Actual Play: The Night Sow, Finale. Snow Hushed End

Описание к видео Vaesen Actual Play: The Night Sow, Finale. Snow Hushed End

Clandestine magic leads to a deadly encounter

Music at the start, intermission, and end was "Path to Darkness" by Adrian von Ziegler. You can find all his music on bandcamp at

Sound effects during the game was by Syrinscape. Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound. Complete list of credits here:

The players for this game were: Terris, JoshThePirate, Keren - The Mother of Bunnies, Jack, Jess, and Zac

JoshThePirate and Keren can be found over on   / corsairscove  

Jack can be found over on   / jacksquarepeg  


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