Doha Development Round

Описание к видео Doha Development Round

Scott Kennedy explains why the recent Doha round of negotiations which took place at the WTO headquarters in Geneva failed and comments on the implications of this failure for the global trading system. Kennedy, Associate Professor of EALC & Political Science at Indiana University, argues that the difficulties which took place this round were partially due to the greater involvement of developing countries. The G20 which was led by Brazil and India was very assertive in defending the interests of developing world. Kennedy also discusses the unresolved disagreement regarding special safeguard arrangements which developing countries sought as a way to protect specific agricultural sectors from import surges after the barriers were reduced to trade. Last, Kennedy argues that it is possible for the WTO to reach some sort of compromise and warns against all factions giving up negotiations and only engaging in regional or bilateral trade. This, Kennedy asserts, would lead to an undesirable fragmentation of the global trade system.


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