Jenkins Sonarqube Integration for Static Code Analysis with Pipeline

Описание к видео Jenkins Sonarqube Integration for Static Code Analysis with Pipeline

Open Jenkins and create a new pipeline project.
Configure your pipeline script to include SonarQube analysis steps.

Run Your Pipeline

Save the pipeline and run the build.
Jenkins will perform the SonarQube analysis and wait for the Quality Gate status.
Check SonarQube Dashboard

Go to your SonarQube dashboard.
You should see the analysis results for your project, including any issues or quality gate status.
YouTube Hashtags
Here are some suggested hashtags for your YouTube video on Jenkins and SonarQube pipeline integration:

#Jenkins #SonarQube #CI #CD #DevOps #PipelineIntegration #CodeQuality #ContinuousIntegration #SoftwareDevelopment #Automation #JenkinsPipeline #SonarQubeAnalysis #QualityGates #DevOpsTools #BuildAutomation #CodeScanning #SoftwareEngineering #JenkinsTutorial #SonarQubeSetup


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