江河水(片段) - 閔惠芬

Описание к видео 江河水(片段) - 閔惠芬

江河水(片段) - 閔惠芬 #現代二胡演奏皇后
荷馬號角聲學研究室 HHAS|DSD 原始檔案與 AXISOUND 30 重播錄音頻譜比較 Spectrum Comparison of replay recording and original file

DSD64 2822.4KHz DDA - ADD 24bit 192KHz 無修正 無增益 無衰減 立體聲電容麥克風左右相距一米 90度夾角正對左右聲道音源距離2米

Spectrum Comparison of replay recording and original file
DSD64 2822.4KHz DDA - ADD 24bit 192KHz
No correction, No gain, No attenuation
Stereo condenser microphones are one meter apart from left and right,
90-degree angle, facing the left and right channel sound sources,
and the distance is 2 meters.


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