對話藝術家施勇Shanghai Teacher Spends Out Salaries of 32 Years on Collecting

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施勇擁有多重身份:中國最重要的當代藝術家之一;香格納畫廊的藝術總監;一位有32年教齡的藝術教師。因為性格好人緣好,被圈內人尊稱為——“施帥”。施勇現居上海蘇州河畔,他150m²的家佈置成像美術館一樣的“白盒子”, 牆面幾乎被作品填滿。施勇收藏約150件藝術品,卻始終謙虛地說,他只是個”拿工資的“,算不上“收藏家”。他說:“普通人認真對待藝術, 就能搞收藏。”
As one of the most important contemporary artists in China, Shi Yong is also the art director of ShanghART Gallery and an art teacher who’s been working for 32 years. Being nice and friendly, he’s really popular in the art circle and is called ‘Handsome Shi’. He now lives next to the Suzhou River in Shanghai. Filled with art works, his 150-m2 all-white home is like a gallery. Shi has a collection of 150 works, but he refuses to be called a ‘collector’ as he is only a ‘salaryman’. ‘An ordinary man can collect as long as he treats art seriously,’ said him.

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