Marder III Ausf H German tank hunter WW2

Описание к видео Marder III Ausf H German tank hunter WW2

Welcome back to my channel and this brief overview of the Marder III Ausf. H tank hunter, an excellent example of German innovation in adapting to tank warfare during WW2. This video also show-cases my Warlord Game's Bolt Action Marders and takes a brief look at the Version 3 stats for the upgraded Marder and I explain why I run mine as a Veteran vehicle. This video includes rare footage of the Marder from the war and authentic sounds of the Marder's gun in action. For those of you wanting the sound of the Marder firing it's powerful gun, skip to the end of this video.
#ww2 #boltactiongaming #warlordgamesboltaction #warlordgames #history #miniwargaming #28mm #tabletopgaming #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames


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