The Doomed (Twin Leapers Horror & Trailblazer Conflict) S1E3

Описание к видео The Doomed (Twin Leapers Horror & Trailblazer Conflict) S1E3

Judge Damiel and his Servants of Purity have lost a warband member. They have narrowed the search to a ruined city, and their mission is to find Sigimund as well as take control over all four quarters of the city. But inside the city a couple of nightmare twins lurk - the Twin Leapers - and they must be destroyed!

Check out the first episode of the Doomed here:    • The Doomed - Skirmish Game (Inheritor...  

Episode 2 here:    • The Doomed (Conflict: Laboratories - ...  

Sigimund is "lost" as a result of injury in the last mission and the Doom Tracker has moved in the "Hunger" category. The result on the Hunger table was "Thieves" and that means the Judge and the warband cannot access any new equipment, but must re-use the equipment from the last mission. There is a new member of the Warband though.

Servants of Purity 23 Renown, 2 Prestige

Leader: Judge Damiel QL3+, Tough, Condemn
Thundergun, Relic Blade
4 Points – (Leader ambitions: Supremacy, Prosperity)

Champion Sothar QL4+ Fierce
Shield (+1 to saves when readied)
5 Points

Zealot Eilik QL5+ Tough, Fanatic
Relic blade
5 Points

Chronical Wilfort QL5+ Aide
5 Points

Herald Sigimund QL5+ Inspire
4 Points

Total Points 23

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