All The Mods 9 - Ep09 - Starting GregTech

Описание к видео All The Mods 9 - Ep09 - Starting GregTech

Lash: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to our brand new magical journey....
Person A: Lash, there is no purple liquid in 1.20
Lash: Yap. now we have purple flowers. Dissolving NPCs in questionable purple fluids seems to be...questionable these days.
Person A: So.. wait... I cant say whatever I want?
Lash: Sure. In this Empire we value 2 things, democracy and Freedom of Speech.
Person A: There is GregTech in ATM9
Lash: Ah I didnt see that
Person A: Are you Blind?
Lash: My eyes are beautiful, not functional. can you hold this purple flower for me?

Person A is now organic compost....go green

#minecraft #atm9 #lashmak


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