How To Prune A Wisteria

Описание к видео How To Prune A Wisteria

How to prune a Wisteria🪻🪻🪻

Instagram: @ashwalkergardening

This was a mission, the wisteria hasn’t been pruned correctly for some time now.. It was super clogged up with leaves and dead branches but wisteria don’t like this because they need alot of airflow.. the whole idea is to sort of bonsai the vine

Pruning wisteria involves two main periods: winter pruning and summer pruning..

Winter Pruning
1. Identify Main Structure: Choose a strong framework of main branches..
2. Cut Back Growth: Prune back the side shoots to 1 - 3 buds from the main stems. This helps concentrate the plant’s energy into producing sensational flowers👌
3. Remove Dead or Diseased Wood: Cut out any dead, diseased, or damaged wood to keep the plant healthy.

Summer Pruning
1. Reduce Long Whippy Shoots: Cut back the long shoots that have grown from the main framework and cut to the length of 5 buds, this helps keep the plant tidy and directs energy to flower buds…
2. Control Growth: Trim any shoots that are getting too large or out of control, ensuring the plant doesn’t become too dense..

Other general tips
1. Use clean tools: use sharp pruning shears or secateurs to make clean cuts.
2. Technique: Make cuts just above a bud to encourage new growth..
3. Training: If training the wisteria on a trellis or arch is needed, tie new growth to the support the structure..

Pruning wisteria regularly helps promote a healthy, attractive plant with abundant blooms and remember to fertilise in early spring with an organic all purpose fertiliser that is high in phosphorus (this will help with flowering) and low in nitrogen because wisterias are nitrogen fixing plants, so they don’t need additional nitrogen..

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