Efficient & Effective Foliar Nutrition

Описание к видео Efficient & Effective Foliar Nutrition

The application of nutrients, or fertilisers, that plants require is an important component in primary production operations. For numerous reasons, crops or pastures, may not naturally get all the nutrients they need from the soil in order to perform well. The considered application of fertiliser is often necessary to meet the desired outcomes of enterprise programs.

The price of fertilisers continues to rise as global supplies are used up, this coincides with a general decline in soil health in agriculture and a greater reliance on and requirement of fertiliser to maintain production.. More than ever, there is both an economic and environmental imperative to make nutrient applications as efficient and effective as possible.

Presented by Mark Tupman from Productive Ecology, this webinar explores how the application of nutrients to the foliage of plants can be an effective way to improve crop/pasture nutritional status, and as a consequence reduce the volume and costs of some inputs whilst at the same time contribute to improved soil health.


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