Panel Discussion on Open Finance – Empowering the Customer

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Panel Discussion on Open Finance – Empowering the Customer
Following the success of the revised Payment Services Directive in driving innovation and delivering on Open Banking, the European Commission has now proposed the Financial Data Access Regulation which provides the foundation for the establishment of financial data schemes enabling financial data-sharing between data holders and data users. Broad in its scope, it also introduces a new licensing regime for financial information service providers.
Is it too early for the market to develop these Schemes? What could be the optimal scope of such data sharing
arrangements? What type of data should be shared and how is this compatible with data privacy? Which use
cases are emerging? Should the adoption take place in stages? Are the Scheme rules balanced to ensure a levelplaying
field in representation? What to expect in terms of compensation between market participants? How
does FIDA fit into the wider EU policy on data and data sharing? What can we learn from other parts of the

Ondrej Kovarik, Member of the European Parliament, Shadow Rapporteur on FiDA
Simonas Krėpšta, Member of the Board, Bank of Lithuania
Joris Hensen, Founder and Co-Lead, Deutsche Bank API Program, Deutsche Bank
Maximilian Harmsen, Partner and Germany Digital Payments Lead, PwC
Aoife Houlihan, VP Government Engagement, Visa

Mattias Levin, Deputy Head of Digital Finance Unit, DG FISMA


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