Live stock data visualisation with google colab

Описание к видео Live stock data visualisation with google colab

Google Colab is a powerful tool for data visualization. It is a free, browser-based platform that allows you to create and share interactive visualizations of your data. With Colab, you can use a variety of libraries such as pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, bokeh, and plotly to manipulate and visualize data.

One of the most popular datasets for data visualization is the Titanic dataset. This dataset contains information about the passengers on the Titanic, including demographics, ticket information, and survival outcomes. By using Google Colab, you can easily load this dataset and create a variety of visualizations to uncover insights about the disaster.

For example, you can use seaborn to create bar charts, histograms, and scatter plots to show the number of passengers by class, or the relationship between fare and age. You can also use matplotlib to customize the visualizations, such as changing the colors, adding labels, and adjusting the size.

Another example is using bokeh to create interactive line chart to show temperature change over time, you can also use numpy to perform calculations on the data, for example, you can use it to calculate moving average of temperature changes. Bokeh allows you to add different tools like pan, wheel zoom, box zoom, etc.

You can also use Plotly to create interactive visualizations, it allows to create a variety of visualizations such as line charts, bar charts, scatter plots, etc.

Google Colab is a great tool for data visualization because it is free, easy to use, and allows you to share your visualizations with others. With Colab, you can quickly and easily create interactive visualizations that help you to communicate your insights and findings to a wider audience.


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