BCA from IGNOU - Exploring Pros and Cons, Job Experiences in the IT Industry | StudyStool |

Описание к видео BCA from IGNOU - Exploring Pros and Cons, Job Experiences in the IT Industry | StudyStool |

I share an overview of the BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) program offered by IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University). In this video, I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing BCA, giving you a clear understanding of what to expect. I also share my personal experiences in finding a job after completing BCA, including how many companies I applied to and the assessment and interview processes I went through. I was fortunate to receive several job offers from well-known companies, and I eventually joined Cognizant, where I have been working happily for the past year. Whether you're a student considering BCA or looking for job-related insights, this video provides valuable information and firsthand experiences to help you make informed decisions. Subscribe now to learn more about the BCA program and gain insights from my journey!

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Tags: #studystool #bca #IGNOU #overview #BCAProgram #IGNOU #BachelorofComputerApplications #BCAOverview #JobExperiences #SuccessStory #IGNOUBCA #JobSearchTips #ITIndustry #Cognizant #CareerAdvice #JobOffers #StudentLife #CollegeExperience #JobInterviews #BCA #IGNOUBCA #BCACareer #ITJobs #JobSearch #CareerJourney #JobSuccess #ITSkills #JobHunting #IGNOUExperience #ITCareer #JobOpportunities #JobMarket #ITIndustryInsights #ProfessionalDevelopment

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