United We Stand, Divided We Fall - Sh. Zakareeya Baksh

Описание к видео United We Stand, Divided We Fall - Sh. Zakareeya Baksh

Powerful experiences through eye-opening courses on Islam and Quran Arabic.


Zakareeya has a library of classical books in his brain. He delivers engaging lectures and makes them relevant to his audience. He is an avid researcher and always eager to discover new things.

He was raised in NY and has completed his memorization of the Quran with multiple Ijazahs, as well as many classical Arabic texts.

He graduated with both Bachelors and Masters degrees in Islamic Studies from International Open University.

He currently serves as the Resident Scholar at the largest Islamic Center in NYC, the NYC Muslim Center.
In Islam, engaging in backbiting is considered a sinful act. It is important to understand the gravity of this sin, as it not only has consequences in this world but also in the hereafter. This short video sheds light on the magnitude of backbiting and its negative impact on individuals and society. By highlighting the spiritual and moral implications of this behavior, the video serves as a reminder for Muslims to refrain from engaging in backbiting and to strive towards a more compassionate and respectful way of communication.


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