DroningON | ND Filter Drone (Phantom/Mavic) Video Comparison (Part 2)

Описание к видео DroningON | ND Filter Drone (Phantom/Mavic) Video Comparison (Part 2)

PART TWO: Our guide to using ND (Neutral Density) Filters with your DJI Phantom whilst shooting video. Very few drone videographers are aware of just how much these filters can improve video quality and so do SHARE this video if it's useful. In this first part, we'll cover the following topics:

How to fit an ND Filter to the DJI Phantom.
Video Comparison With ND Filter and Without ND Filter.
ND Filter Checklist and Summary.

In this video, we're using an ND4 filter which is the most common and useful grade, buy one now for your Phantom using these links:

► www.DroningON.co/P3ND4 (Phantom 3)
► www.DroningON.co/P4ND4 (Phantom 4)

If you have not seen Part 1, you can view it here:
   • DroningON | How Neutral Density (ND) ...  

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