First Solo Backcountry Trip Part 5.1: Hike North @ Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario

Описание к видео First Solo Backcountry Trip Part 5.1: Hike North @ Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario

I hiked north for a couple of kilometers until I stumbled upon a hearty, berry-filled pile of bear scat! As intriguing as it was, I ended up turning back just to be safe. Bears tend to be more afraid of us and want to avoid us thankfully, they will often scurry away when they spot us. As I mention in this video, I didn't want to upset anyone or make them stressed if they were around so I headed back to camp. I want to take a moment here to suggest checking out the website: which is an amazing rehabilitation centre for black bears in Ontario and Mike who runs it is an incredible advocate for the bears, particularly respecting them including safely and peacefully coexisting!

It was a beautiful little hike nonetheless with varied terrain and very peaceful! I enjoyed my hot cocoa and dandies with some snacks on the beach, took a nice, long swim and relaxed! It was really quiet and a few folks doing the Coastal Trail hiked by and I briefly chatted with some of them about their experience! It got me very motivated to start to do some digging and research (I have been home a few weeks now from this trip and have begun the planning for next fall)!

Continued in the next video which was also part of this day (I got a bit caught up with long recordings so I've had to break them up). Also, I need to implement a moratorium for myself on the words "ummm" and "anyways" hahaha! ;)


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