Final Fantasy Ever Crisis - Shiva EX2

Описание к видео Final Fantasy Ever Crisis - Shiva EX2

This isn't my cleanest run (for some reason I play better on iPhone, I guess muscle memory from how I started playing the game, and the fact that most of the time I play on my phone), but it does the trick. I went more on the defensive side, as it is safer and you don't have to jump back and forth as the AI handles the setup as required (I have done this run on "Assisted Auto" many times, but I prefer manual as it is cleaner and I have better control of Matt's ATB for sigils and timed heals).

The trick was to have physical Fira Blow on Zack to use when silenced (his potency does the trick) for chip damage, and physical debuff on Red for the same reason. Matt uses the Bahamut Rapier to ensure a fast sigil break which allows for more reckless sigil breaking and a greater damage with his limit, as you don't need to debuff shiva during that phase, and it also boosts 25% on the other two limits this way.

I did not use Red's new weapon, as it is only OB1 for now, so this config does the trick. I am positive this fight can be attempted with a much lower power level, provided the key farmable weapons are maxed out for defenses. I recommend 3-5 Ice resistance, 120+ mdef (or a combination of those), 110+ pdef and around 10K HP depending on how high mdef/pdef is. You can see my build for those (disregard the matk, this isn't required, you can clear with 1K less, 4K is more than enough, it just needs higher defenses to survive Diamond Dust twice).


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