SwapFell: Dissension (Caffeinated)

Описание к видео SwapFell: Dissension (Caffeinated)

I'm more than happy to finally post this. This is something I've been working on for around a full month (actually more but anyways-) and it's probably the best song I've worked on in my entire journey in UTSC.

I'm not looking to release the FLP of this, but, I will, only if we actually hit 400 likes on SoundCloud, alright?

Special Thanks:
TakenUsername & Bon for advice that actually helped and improved the song by a lot LOL
George for drawing me this beautiful thumbnail, thanks a ton brother
ItzNova & Lynxxx for being awesome, I just had to credit you guys too aaa-

Inspired by nik2656's cover
Dissension by Luna


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