Destiny 2 Gameplay/Walkthrough - 1AU (Campaign Mission 15)

Описание к видео Destiny 2 Gameplay/Walkthrough - 1AU (Campaign Mission 15)

This video provides gameplay and a walkthrough of the mission 1AU. So let the video play and sit back, relax, and enjoy. Also please like and subscribe to show your support.

Destiny 2 is an online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Activision. The game features a intensive 4v4 PvP and a cinematic and breathtaking campaign story line. The player assumes of the role of a Guardian, a wielder of the light and a defender of The Last City. Set not long after the events of the original Destiny. The player must find out what it means to be a Guardian when the light is stripped from them and the city lost to the alien race of the Cabal. The player has to regain their light, take back what is theirs, and become legend. For it is your Destiny.


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