DCS A-10A CAS Training Run (Sorry For The Control Issues, Good Kills)

Описание к видео DCS A-10A CAS Training Run (Sorry For The Control Issues, Good Kills)

Tonight, we take the A-10A up for a training run for a CAS role. We dump the GAU-8, CBU-97's and Hydra Rockets on this one and do some pretty good damage. I'd love to do this in the A-10C, however my A-10/F-16 grip is "hard broke" for certain things.

Don't forget the poll in the community section, and check out the Instagram page for early peaks of flights before they are posted and other content not posted here.

As Always...Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy...Please Like, Comment, Subscribe and visit Bugs' DCS Cruise discord for more. Until the next sortie...strap in, arm up the seat and keep flying.....'BUGS'


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