EFRIS - Webinar ; How to configure goods with EFRIS

Описание к видео EFRIS - Webinar ; How to configure goods with EFRIS

EFRIS in full is Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution.

EFRIS is an initiative under the Domestic Revenue Mobilization Program whose aim is to address the tax administration challenges relating to business transactions and issuance of receipts. It is a new smart business solution used to record business transactions and share the information with URA in real time (concurrently). It involves the use of e-Invoicing through the URA web portal and direct communication with business transaction systems (system to system connection), electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) and Electronic Dispenser Controllers (EDCs) to manage the issuance of e-receipts and e-invoices.

Once a transaction is initiated using any of the EFRIS’ components, transaction details are
automatically transmitted to URA in real time (concurrently) to generate e-receipts and e-invoices. Our resident experts - Hafsah and Arthur are on hand to show you how you can configure your goods to your EFRIS account.


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