Ohio’s Haunted Houses, Cemeteries, and Spirits: The Most Haunted Places in America | Documentary

Описание к видео Ohio’s Haunted Houses, Cemeteries, and Spirits: The Most Haunted Places in America | Documentary

Now, if you’ve been a follower of TikTok recently, you’ll know that Ohio is weird, but I didn’t know it was this weird. With a quick google search, you’ll find that Ohio is more than just haunted, it might be cursed. From phantoms roaming the streets and alleyways of Cleveland, to the ghost of gray wolves roaming the hills of southern Ohio, Ohio has it all when it comes to the supernatural. Come with me today, as we explore every notable haunted place in Ohio.

Just a disclaimer, I’m covering Helltown separately soon for reasons I think you’ll understand. Helltown has an extremely diverse reputation and I think it warrants its own discussion.

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Skip to your favorite section:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:58:00 - Stoney Creek Cemetery / Start of Cemetery portion
00:04:38 - Cemetery Pentagram of Athens Ohio (Simms Cemetery)
00:07:15 - Camp Chase Cemetery
00:09:27 - Woolybooger cemetery
00:11:32 - Spring Grove Cemetery
00:13:37 - Johnson’s Island (Confederate Cemetery)
00:16:35 - Otterbein Cemetery
00:20:07 - Start of Haunted Places
00:20:46 - The Wickerham Inn Hauntings
00:23:38 - The Agora Theater, Cleveland’s Haunted Theater
00:26:39 - The Akron Civic Theater (Loews Theater)
00:30:13 - Miami University of Ohio’s Haunted Reid Hall
00:34:14 - Muskingum University’s Ghosts
00:40:30 - Drury Mansion, Cleveland’s Haunted Mansion
00:43:28 - The Hannes Tiedemann house (Franklin Castle)
00:50:04 - Squire’s Castle
00:53:40 - The Buxton Inn
00:56:52 - Patterson’s Tower
01:00:49 - The Ohio State Reformatory
01:06:08 - Lake Hope Furnace
01:08:49 - The Moonville Train Tunnel
01:13:10 - Bloody Bridge - The Haunted Bridge.
01:15:38 - Sprucevale (Beaver Creek State Park)
01:19:39 - The Collinwood School Fire
01:23:28 - The Edwin Shaw Hospital (Springfield Lake Sanatarium)
01:27:25 - The Ghost of President James A. Garfield (Andre
01:31:54 - The Kingsville Haunted Library
01:33:01 - Erie Canal’s Ghostly Lock 4
01:35:31 - Bellbrook & Magee Park, Ohio’s Sleepy Hollow
01:39:30 - The Phantom of the Lincoln Funeral Train
01:40:56 - The Ashtabula Train Disaster
01:48:11 - Cleveland’s Black Mary Ann
01:50:28 - The Delaware County Ohio Pirate
01:57:01 - The Blue Flame Ghost
01:59:18 - Old Raridan, the last gray wolf of Ohio
02:01:46 - Enos Kay, the lover’s lane buzzkill
02:03:40 - The Elmore, Ohio ghost rider
02:06:02 - Closing

Thumbnail Credits:
Photo of the Cincinnati skyline- Kaleeb18, wikipedia

Map of the USA Video: caelan, pixabay
All maps used in this video are from google maps
Images from this video may be google street view imagery, if this is the case you will be able to tell by the watermark.
Video of the camera wandering through a mall - Matthias_Groeneveld, pixabay
Other credits are listed on the photos in question. Unlabeled photos are public domain.

Music throughout - Lightless Dawn - Kevin Macleod
Intro/Exit music - Cattle drive - purple planet music https://www.purple-planet.com/


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