Downgrade from 4.55 to 3.55 back to 4.50 Rogero & install Ccapi & Spoof 4.55 on 4.50

Описание к видео Downgrade from 4.55 to 3.55 back to 4.50 Rogero & install Ccapi & Spoof 4.55 on 4.50

In this video I show you how to downgrade to 3.55 then back up to 4.50 rogero cfw and how to spoof your cfw and add ccapi to your PS3 too so enjoy thanks for watching.

first you need to download rogero 3.55 downgrader
Then Rename the downloaded file to "PS3UPDAT.PUP" and put it on your USB in: "USB\PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP"
While on any CFW version, go to System Update from XMB and install the Downgrader PUP.
After the Downgrader PUP installs you'll be back on CFW3.55 (but the syscon version will still have 9.99 in it)

In case you didn't have it Set Before, Enable QA flag by following these steps:
Download the Rebug QA_Toggle package from here t
Put the "toggle_qa.pkg" on USB and Install it on the PS3.
Run the "Rebug Toggle QA" from XMB, the screen will go Black and you will see HDD Led activity then if all went fine you will hear 2 or 3 Beeps and the PS3 will Restart back to XMB.
If you want to make sure QA flag was set, go to "Network Settings" then apply the following key combo (all at the same time):
L1 + L2 + L3 (press left stick) + R1 + R2 + dpad_down
You should see Edy Viewer, Debug Settings, and Install Package Files if done correctly.

Now Now put "Rogero CEX-3.55 CFW V3.7" on your USB in:

Start the PS3 and install "Rogero CEX-3.55 CFW V3.7" using the System Update from XMB.
Once you're back on Rogero CFW3.55 v3.7 you can now install any CFW you want using the System Update from XMB ( or Recovery Menu if XMB Update didn't work ).
Then the same thing for 4.50 rogero "USB\PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP" Rogero CEX-4.50.PUP Rename this UPDAT.PUP link:
Start the PS3 and install "Rogero CEX-4.50 CFW" using the System Update from XMB.
now all you need to do is reinstall ccapi 2.00 by downloading it then install it on ps3 from install packages then click on it follow direction Links:
Last install 4.55 spoof download it then install it on ps3 from install packages then click on it and follow the directions link:


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