Unboxing a Vintage Superba White 1502 Knitting Machine

Описание к видео Unboxing a Vintage Superba White 1502 Knitting Machine

Join me as I unbox a vintage Superba White 1502 knitting machine with an EMS 4 motor! My haul included lots of cone yarn, magazines, manuals and all the original attachments that came with the machine which is in very close to mint condition.

I have many knitting machines already but this is my first Superba/ White machine. I had done a quick inspection of the machine when I purchased it but the unboxing was when I really went through what I had, as you will be able to tell from my comments.

I have since set up the machine and it works like a dream so far. It's very quiet and light to push. I am amazed that it really can handle thicker yarn; I just experimented with a #3 (DK) acrylic in fisherman's rib and it did great! I haven't gotten into the programming pad yet, but I have powered it on and it started right up so I am cautiously optimistic that it's going to work.

Thanks to superbaknitting.com for the wealth of information on these machines.

 Thanks for your interest and subscribe to my channel for more knitting machine videos on other makes and models.

Special shout-out to Boxy Roxy who likes nothing more than an empty box!


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