【前英超足球員JAMIE LAWRENCE為城大提供訓練🔥】如何練成踢英超所需嘅心理質素?身材矮細都可以變為你嘅優勢?超高強度訓練...同學仔表示"😳級"難? |城大體育|

Описание к видео 【前英超足球員JAMIE LAWRENCE為城大提供訓練🔥】如何練成踢英超所需嘅心理質素?身材矮細都可以變為你嘅優勢?超高強度訓練...同學仔表示"😳級"難? |城大體育|

[Training Workshop in CityU by Former Premier League Footballer Jamie Lawrence] What mentality should we have to play in the Premier League? Can being tiny also be a strength? Tough training sessions… of which our students 😳? | CityU Sports Channel |

城大學生發展處體育部喺2023年10月請來⚽前英超球員兼現任贊比亞國家足球隊體能教練Mr Jamie Lawrence 遠赴城大,為運動校隊及城大社群提供為期十日嘅超高強度&熱血沸騰之訓練😈!
Mr Lawrence 係90年代牙買加國家足球隊成員,並曾為多間英超球會包括新特蘭,李斯特城及巴拉福特效力,而佢最經典一戰就係99/00球季於英超煞科戰以1:0擊敗當時必需勝出以獲得歐冠資格嘅利物浦,並協助巴拉福特神奇護級❗唔少媒體都將呢場波評為其中一場最戲劇性嘅英超煞科戰!😳
於訓練尾聲階段,體育部安排咗兩位校隊成員訪問Mr Lawrence。Mr Lawrence亦藉此分享佢運動生涯高山低谷嘅點滴,並向同學仔傳授成功的要素💞 相信無論作為運動員發展或心理素質嘅鍛鍊,一眾城大社群都獲益良多!想知詳情?快D睇片啦😊

In October 2023, the PE Section, SDS, invited Mr Jamie Lawrence, ⚽former Premier League Footballer and current physical coach of the Zambia National Football Team, to conduct a 10-day ultra-high-intensity workshop 😈 for the CityU Sports Teams members and members of the CityU Community.
Mr Lawrence was a Jamaica National Football Team member in the 1990s and had played in several Premier League clubs, including Sunderland, Leicester City and Bradford. His most classic game was when he defeated Liverpool 1:0 in the Premier League in the 1999/00 season, in which the latter had to win to qualify for the Champions League, and helped Bradford stay in the Premier League. ❗ Many media regarded this match as one of the most dramatic games in the Premier League.
At the end of the workshop, an interview was arranged between Mr Lawrence and two CityU Sports Team members. Mr Lawrence also shared the ups and downs in his career and his tips to be successful. 💞 Members of the CityU Community benefited a lot from Mr Lawrence in terms of sports development and mentality training. Want to learn more? Let’s click the video!

#CityU, #JamieLawrence, #PremierLeague, #城市大學, #城大, #城大體育, #CityUSports, #城大足球, #CityUSoccer, #城大男足, #CityUMenSoccer, #城大女足, #CityUWomenSoccer, #英超, #經典 , #護級, #煞科, #Bradford, #Leicester, #Liverpool, #Sunderland, #巴拉福特, #李斯特城, #利物浦, #新特蘭, #Ronaldo, #朗拿度, #Messi, #美斯, #dramatic, #Jamaica, #Zambia, #NationalTeam, #Fitness, #nolimit, #bethebestversionofyourself, #學生發展處 #SDS, #校隊, #SportsTeams, #足球隊, #SoccerTeam, #女子足球, #WomenSoccer, #Soccer, #學生運動員, #StudentAthletes, #HIIT, #Sports, #Football, #FootballTeam, #WomenFootball

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