Snakes and Ladders for KaiOS

Описание к видео Snakes and Ladders for KaiOS

Snakes and Ladders for KaiOS
Developer: Valeriy Skachko

48 squares full of traps and tricks... Roll the dice and try your luck! Ladders will take you up but Snakes will take you down! You can play against a computer, or two players can compete against each other.

The game is based on the popular board and dice game, Snakes and Ladders. The game play is simple, the player rolls a dice, and moves the number of spaces that’s equal to the number he rolled. If he lands on a ladder, then he climbs it to the top. However, if he lands on a snake, then he rides it to the bottom. The first player to reach 48, wins.

Historically, the game was used to teach children basic moral values. The ladders were representative of virtues while the snakes of vice. Today, you could see it as a metaphor for life’s journey with all of its ups and downs.


Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re looking for an KaiOS developer. I can consult you on app development costs, technologies involved and give you a ballpark estimate on your idea rather quick.

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