Описание к видео [GAS LIGHTS] 🔥 -

#20 on trending for Music
Gas lighters ....

0.00 INTRO
0.10 chorus #1
0.23 1st verse begins
0.52 2nd chorus
1.05 2nd verse
1.32 3rd chorus
1.50 roll out
2.12 end

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thank you for all the support so far its only right I bless use with some new sounds & top up the energies 🔋 I feel like we needed it ✅ Especially after the past couple months we've had I hope everyones good staying strong no matter what 💪🏽 thanks again for being apart of this journey only way is up 👏🏽 This is our journey our songs ! Lets celebrate 🍾🥂 together 💚 share like you own it ♻️

   / @newukartist  




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