
Описание к видео #112

This week, I have a special guest with me. Zac Denning is meeting us from San Francisco, California. He is with ScienceBased Health, which makes my favorite omega supplement and Zac is here to talk to us today about HydroEye.
According to the TFOS DEWS II Report, it is important to start every dry eye patient on a daily regimen for eye care. I recommend using 4-Simple Steps daily: artificial tears, lid scrubs, warm compresses, and a dry eye supplement to help support a healthy tear film.
My favorite dry eye supplement is HydroEye. I thought I'd bring Zac on today to share with my readers and listeners, why we both love HydroEye.

*For Full/Detailed Description, Please Visit the Blog: https://www.pamtheriot.com/blog/112

HydroEye is the best omega supplement on the market for dry eye sufferers. It's easy to use. It's easy to find. You can get direct shipped to you at home and it will really be an integral part of your total dry eye treatment plan.

Using 4-Simple Steps in your Daily Dry Eye Care is easy:

HYDRATE: Optase Dry Eye Intense Drops: https://pamtheriot.myeyestore.com/pro...
HARMONIZE: Eyes Are The Story Refreshing Towelette: https://eyesarethestory.com/products/...
HEAT: Unclog Heat Mask:https://unclogmask.com/
HEAL: HydroEye Supplement: https://pamtheriot.myeyestore.com/pro...
Perform all four of these steps twice a day for best results.

TFOS DEWS II Report: https://www.tfosdewsreport.org/public...

Please Visit:: https://www.pamtheriot.com
Take The Dry Eye Quiz!:: https://www.pamtheriot.com/quiz
Alleviate Dry Eye:: https://www.amazon.com/Alleviate-Dry-...


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