Valpolicella – Recioto, Amarone, Ripasso. To the last drop.

Описание к видео Valpolicella – Recioto, Amarone, Ripasso. To the last drop.

Valpolicella is Italian wine region, which produces wine under the same name. In this episode, I'm talking about Valpolicella, the techniques that allow making four different types of wine from the same grape, and how the urge to extract every bit from grape skins can yield surprisingly tasty results when done skillfully.

Same video on Russian:    • Вальполичелла – Речото, Амароне, Рипа...  

Author – Yaroslava Polosina, sommelier and wine educator.

#valpolicella, #red_wine, #wine, #amarone, #recioto, #ripasso

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