An Amateur Solo of Archtempered Nergigante

Описание к видео An Amateur Solo of Archtempered Nergigante

Oh look, its the #2 monster on that ranking thing Capcom did.

To be honest, I heard horror stories about this guy, his pepega slams and his high damage output, and the reality?
This guy was easier than Xeno'jiivah. Part of it may be muscle memory from Devilgene Nergigante, but AT Nergi is remarkably not that difficult so long as you know to remain evasive and use the arena to your advantage.

Music used:
Nergigante's Theme - Monster Hunter World
World's End (Archtempered Nergigante theme) - Monster Hunter World
End of the Struggle - Dragon's Dogma
Boss Defeated - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess


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