How to Create Your Sand Tray Miniature Collection

Описание к видео How to Create Your Sand Tray Miniature Collection

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE using sand tray therapy with my clients of all ages.

I’m obsessed with it because I’ve witnessed the power of the sand tray therapy process to access deep healing for clients.

I also know that getting started can be overwhelming because it can be expensive.

So what’s a play therapist to do?

Join me for this free weekly livestream on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 7:00 am Pacific time (Los Angeles)/ 10:00 am Eastern time (New York)/3:00 pm UK -London time.

I’m sharing practical tips to build your sand tray miniature collection that will save you time and money.

Yep! I’m sharing my best strategies to build your miniature collection so you can provide an amazing healing experience for your clients.


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