"Self-Censored" - Documentary Film (2024)

Описание к видео "Self-Censored" - Documentary Film (2024)

Nine students – seven countries – one concern: “Self-Censored” explores the situation of Christian students across Europe who perceive different degrees of difficulty when sharing their faith and convictions at their universities. The film presents the genuine and honest conversation of nine students who identify a similar experience across their denomination and national differences: Most of them tend to withhold some of their thoughts and opinions or even hide their faith out of fear of conflict, rejection, or other consequences.

The 40-minutes film gathers positive and negative experiences and takes the viewer through the life stories of each of the young adults, their passions, their fears – and their hopes and vision for a society without polarization and discrimination.

Why a movie on “Self-Censorship”?

The freedom to express one’s beliefs freely and publicly is one of the cornerstones of a pluralistic, democratic society. Unfortunately, recent studies show a decline in freedom of speech, particularly at universities and when it comes to religious topics. However, self-censorship is not only affecting Christians, but several minority groups in society. The documentary “Self-Censored” shows how freedom of speech and a free exchange of ideas – which is so fundamental for universities – is endangered when universities fail to arrange for a neutral space for open discussions and discusses how society can successfully combat polarization and find back to a genuine dialogue, even on religious and controversial topics.

With the production of “Self-Censored” OIDAC Europe aims to raise awareness about this problem, shows why it should not be normalized and encourages to foster free, respectful, and open dialogue. Through this approach we want to promote mutual respect towards different world views and religions.

First Live-Screening in VIENNA - 14th of March, 2024!
Tickets (Free):

Organize a Watch Party in your hometown! All Infos here:


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