Former footballer criticises 'hypocritical' element of AFL's latest initiative

Описание к видео Former footballer criticises 'hypocritical' element of AFL's latest initiative

Former footballer and politician Phil Cleary has applauded the AFL for taking a stance on violence against women but has also criticised a “hypocritical” element of the initiative.

Following a rise in violence against women in Australia, the AFL announced they would demonstrate against the atrocities by having players, coaches and umpires gather to link arms at the centre of the ground and hold a moment’s silence in respect for the female victims of domestic violence.

Mr Cleary approved the gesture but had more to say on the AFL’s track record of sticking to resolutions.

“They jump from one course to the other course without ever actually putting a genuine program into place,” he told Sky News Australia host Steve Price.

“They need to do that.”


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