Inkbound - Clairvoyant Rank 20

Описание к видео Inkbound - Clairvoyant Rank 20

In this run I play the Clairvoyant, a mix between a support and a nuking class. Clairvoyant's main gameplay resolves around his orb. All his attacks originate from his orb and not from himself and his main ability allows him to move his orb around, so he can use his other abilities better. He has good AoE abilities but lacks good defensive options and mobility, the latter being not much of an issue since he does not need to move himself for his attacks.
That being said, he relies heavily on proper positioning of his globe and because of this, he is very hard to play. He has a very high damage output, especially on his Spirit Bomb which deals double damage if he generates enough charges through Pulse.

The build for this run relies heavily on Clips of Extraction. The extra orb allows me to use Pulse more often to charge Spirit Bomb faster, an early Orb Lord set also gives me enough movement and healing to get easily through all the fights. The Will Colelctor set gives me extra energy to use during my turn and at the final I got a Leaking pen for another extra orb, which enhances the power of Orb Lord even more.


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