Procedural Art REEL 2021 - Adrien Lambert

Описание к видео Procedural Art REEL 2021 - Adrien Lambert

I started a serious dive into procedural almost three years ago now, learning everything I could about Houdini, substance designer, and use my generalist background to make some art out of it.

I shared some of my discoveries on this YouTube channel and I have been blessed with an incredible community of artists, eager to learn and grow new skills. I thank everyone of you for your support along the way, it always means the world to me.

Here is a compilation of the procedural projects I had the pleasure to create on my free time over the past years... Except the last one in my reel, it's SW9, not exactly free time.
It was my last collaboration with Environment supervisor Jeffrey Deguzman and I'm so grateful he gave me the opportunity to put into practice my procedural knowledge on an actual ILM project.
It was for sure one of the most fun show I had the chance to work on at ILM and it will always have a special place in my hurt... YES, even though the movie sucks. Hahaha

Some of those work are still future tutorial material, so stay tune if you don't wanna miss some in-depth breakdowns. ;)


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