Tough Call 1: Tofas Bursa vs AEK - Shooter's Foul

Описание к видео Tough Call 1: Tofas Bursa vs AEK - Shooter's Foul

Black 2 dribbles in transition and makes a lay-up. A contact occurs against Green 17 and the referees call an offensive foul. The officials met and decided that the basket was valid and called a personal foul to Black 2.

Article 4.1.3 Team control ends when:
• The ball has left the player's hand(s) on a shot for a goal or for a free throw.

Article 10.4 The ball does not become dead and the goal counts if made when:
• The ball is in flight on a shot for a goal and a referee blows his/her whistle.

Outcome: Correct decision from the referees. The ball had been released on a shot for a field goal before the contact occurred, so the foul was not a team control foul. Black 2’s basket is valid and Black 2 is charged with a personal foul. As the Black team are not in the team foul penalty situation yet (this was their second foul in the 4th quarter), the game shall be resumed with a throw-in by the Green team from behind their endline as after any successful field goal.


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