Download Basin, Sub-basin, River, Lake shapefile from HydroSHEDS website

Описание к видео Download Basin, Sub-basin, River, Lake shapefile from HydroSHEDS website

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another video tutorial! In today's session, I'll guide you on how to access & download basins, sub-basins, rivers, and lakes shapefile for the entire world. This tutorial is especially useful for anyone involved in hydrology research, studies, or jobs. This datasets are avaiable freely.

HydroSHEDS Website:

About HydroSHEDS:
The HydroSHEDS database offers a suite of global digital data layers in support of hydro-ecological research and applications worldwide. Its various hydrographic data products include catchment boundaries, river networks, and lakes at multiple resolutions and scales.
HydroSHEDS data are freely available in standard GIS formats and form the geospatial framework for a broad range of assessments including hydrological, environmental, conservation, socioeconomic, and human health applications.
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