2-й митап Camunda (Алматы, 2023) - "Что такое коннекторы в Camunda 8 и как их использовать?"

Описание к видео 2-й митап Camunda (Алматы, 2023) - "Что такое коннекторы в Camunda 8 и как их использовать?"

Camunda Almaty Chapter Conference - "What are Connectors in Camunda 8 and how to use them?" by Ramis Kazakbaev.

Almaty, June 16 - AlmaU Conference Hall has become a meeting place for more than 50 leading specialists from IT, fintech and banking in Kazakhstan at a conference organized by Camunda Chapter Almaty. Join our telegram https://t.me/Camunda_Chapter_Almaty
Read about the event https://reunico.com/blog/camunda-conf...

Ramis Kazakbaev (CodeSmith) shared cases on using Camunda 8 Connectors. What are connectors in version 8 and why are they needed? "What are Connectors in Camunda 8 and how to use them?"

Рамис Казакбаев (CodeSmith) поделился кейсами по использованию Camunda 8 Connectors. Что такое коннекторы в 8-й версии и зачем они нужны? "What are Connectors in Camunda 8 and how to use them?"

#camundaalmatychapter #bpm #almaty #camunda #community #kazakhstan #meetup #conference #digitaltransformation


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