DWP confirms cost of living payment dates - Everything you need to know!

Описание к видео DWP confirms cost of living payment dates - Everything you need to know!

DWP confirms cost of living payment dates - Everything you need to know!
In this video, we bring you the latest update on the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) confirming cost of living payment dates over 3 instalments. Almost 200,000 people in Lancashire who receive disability benefits will now receive a £150 cost of living cash boost, while across Britain, people are struggling to meet their financial obligations amidst the cost of living crisis.

We cover the various schemes and support available for people on low incomes, as well as the payment dates for the remaining cost of living payments. We also go into detail about the Energy Price Cap under Ofgem and how it affects consumers' bills.

If you're one of the many people struggling with the cost of living, this video provides you everything you need to know about the DWP's latest announcement and what it means for you. So, tune in now to stay informed and up to date on the latest developments in this complicated and ever-changing situation.
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