Tears of Themis but it's Danny Gonzalez (ToT Crack Vid #2)

Описание к видео Tears of Themis but it's Danny Gonzalez (ToT Crack Vid #2)

PLEASE NOTE: Any jabs made at Marius are overexaggerated for comedic affect, Just because he's not my first choice doesn't mean he isn't amazing, which he is. (Seriously it's kind of like choosing diamonds over gold with this game)
HOWEVER any and all jabs made at Chapter 6 Artem are completely intentional. No exaggeration. I actually made Artem and Chapter 6 Artem 2 different people (lol reference) because while Artem is a great character, Chapter 6 Artem is decidedly... not.

Oh, and if you're confused, I'm reuploading this video to get rid of the beginning message

But let it be known Chapter 6 personally took my appreciation for Artem behind a building and shot it dead. I WILL make a video on it at some point, I promise you that!

Let us have some crack, because I became a Greg and hyper fixated on another YouTuber, like ya do. Because of his style I had a lot more Luke and Marius humor this go around, but I hope I did them justice.


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