Rajasthan Public Examination Act 2022 | Section 2 Definitions | Rajasthan APO Classes | Law Lectures

Описание к видео Rajasthan Public Examination Act 2022 | Section 2 Definitions | Rajasthan APO Classes | Law Lectures

Rajasthan Public Examination (Measures for Prevention of Unfair Means in Recruitment) Act, 2022 Lectures | Rajasthan APO Classes | Section 2 Definitions |

Definitions.- In this Act, unless the subject or context otherwise requires,-
(a) "conduct of public examination" means and includes preparation, printing,
supervision, coding, processing, storing, transportation, distribution and
collection of question papers, answer sheets, OMR sheets and result sheets, evaluation, declaration of result, etc;
(b) "examination authority" means an examination authority as specified in the Schedule-I;
(c) "examination center" means any institution or part thereof or any other place fixed and used for the holding of a public examination and includes the entire premises attached thereto;
(d) "examinee" means a person who has been granted permission by the
concerning authority to appear in a public examination, and includes a
person authorized to act as scribe on his behalf;
(e) "public examination" means examination for the purpose of recruitment to any post under the State Government including autonomous bodies,
authorities, boards or corporations as specified in the Schedule-II;
(f) "unfair means" includes,
(i) in relation to an examinee, to take unauthorized help in public
examination from any person or group directly or indirectly or from any
material written, recorded, copied or printed, in any form whatsoever, or
use of any unauthorized electronic or mechanical instrument or gadget;
(ii) in relation to any person,-
I. to impersonate or leak or attempt to leak or conspire to leak
question paper; or
II. to procure or attempt to procure or possess or attempt to possess
question paper in unauthorized manner; or
III. to solve or attempt to solve or seek assistance to solve question
paper in unauthorized manner; and
IV. directly or indirectly assist the examinee in the public
examination in unauthorized manner.
Explanation.- Any person also includes an examinee; and
(g) the words and expressions used herein and not defined, but defined in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Central Act No. 45 of 1860), shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in that code.

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